Wednesday, June 15th was my 15th wedding anniversary. My "golden anniversary" according to my cubicle-mate, Debi. My husband? My darling husband of 15 years, my best friend, my greatest companion, and the love of my life... was in Iowa farming with my dad. Me? I was here, alone, feeling somewhat sorry for myself. I had pulled a muscle in my back on Sunday, and had tried every combination of
muscle relaxer and Ibuprofen combination I could think of since Sunday. Nothing was working. During work on Wednesday, I had decided that, since Jennifer was going to be out of town, and Roger was unlikely to come and bring the kids, and Jeff might or might not make it, and Pam had prior obligations she needed to attend to, maybe I would skip it. A bowl of vodka (a.k.a. a martini) and Bones reruns ought to fix everything.
muscle relaxer and Ibuprofen combination I could think of since Sunday. Nothing was working. During work on Wednesday, I had decided that, since Jennifer was going to be out of town, and Roger was unlikely to come and bring the kids, and Jeff might or might not make it, and Pam had prior obligations she needed to attend to, maybe I would skip it. A bowl of vodka (a.k.a. a martini) and Bones reruns ought to fix everything.
Ah, but I am a creature of habit, I respect order and obligation (even if it is made-up obligation), and I just wouldn't feel right just sitting in my living room (the nest, as we like to refer to it) watching reruns, if I hadn't at least done something productive. I went ahead and did some "pizza preps". I don't necessarily have to make pizza on Thursday, since it may just be me, but I deserve nice meals too, right? And, I bought all of the ingredients, right? Besides, it wa
s raining again, and the hammock was too soggy to call me into its folds.
s raining again, and the hammock was too soggy to call me into its folds.
Normally, I would start with the crusts. I had a sweet crust in the freezer, so I just moved that to the refrigerator to thaw. I didn't have enough energy yet to think about the basic crust.
I wanted nice rings, but without the core. I decided to cut off all of the bark-y type stuff on the outside first. I don't have one of those fancy pineapple corers (like they sell at Pampered Chef). I have always thought it was silly - you can just CUT the core out, right. Or, eat it, like Dad does (CHEWY). But, if I were going to make the scheduled pineapple pizza, the pine
apple should be in pretty rings, right? I don't have a thin-enough knife that is as long as a pineapple, and I was afraid the larger knives would make cuts that were too large to sustain the beautiful ring I was trying to achieve. So, I took one of my steak knives (it is about half the length of the pineapple). I jabbed into the end of the pineapple along the side of the core. I tried to pull it around the core in a nice circular shape (ha!), but it didn't move in a nice fluid motion, as I had hoped it would. So, I pulled it out, and rammed it in along side of another part of the core. I did this until I had completely cut around the core (it wasn't exactly pretty, but it was complete). Then, I flipped the pineapple over and did the same thing from the other end. Once that was done, I turned the pineapple on its side, and made my slices (the recipe called for 12 slices, since I was only making one pizza). I was pleased with the result: although my top and bottom core cuts didn't exactly meet, they did in most areas, and when
I sliced the pineapple, the core was easily popped out. This wasn't exactly true for the end pieces, as the broke apart before I was able to get the core out, but I think I
got some pretty rings out the deal.
Since that was kind of fun, it reignited my interest in the process. I decided to go ahead and make the basic crust. As I have said before, I just throw everything into my Kitchen Aide and let it do all the work. Once the dough looks smooth, I cut it into four pieces, freeze three and use the fourth for one 12" pizza.
At this point, my back was going on strike. What to do about that? Well, the muscle relaxers hadn't done me any good. Ah, yes, the bowl of vodka... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Thursday, when I got home from work, Jeff was there! After we caught up a bit, we realized we were starving. Let's get our pizza on!
While that was baking, I rolled out the dough for the skillet pizza. I must have cut the original recipe unevenly, because this seemed like a really small amount of dough. Oh well! It is just the two of us tonight, and I really would prefer to use my new 10" everyday pan anyway. I rolled the dough out on top of a sprinkling of fine cornmeal (which is how I always do it to keep it from sticking to the board). I laughed, when I read the part about removing the extra dough. First of all, there wasn't any. Second of all - who wants to get rid of any?
I didn't measure the cheese when I put it on there. I think I put on more than it called for, so that may be why it seemed extra slippy. When we cut and served the pizza, the strings of cheese overlapped the plate and hung down the sides. This makes for a good snack later when you thought there was nothing left to eat of the pizza. There were no leftovers from this pizza.
Once we polished off the main course, we moved into the dessert pizza. When I had taken it out of the oven, the juices from the pineapple and cherries had co-mingled with the brown sugar, but it was still pretty runny. I wasn't sure that the pizza was done, because the pineapple and cherries looked the same, and the book gave no indicators to look for to test for done-ness.
Apparently, while it had cooled the liquids sort of carameled up and clung to the ingredients instead of swishing around on the bottom. Jeff was so impressed with the flavor of this pizza, he had seconds. It was juicy, fruity, and sweet. The crust fared well, too. As I have mentioned, I have previously had issues with this crust recipe, but this one worked. The only drawback was that it got a little (I don't want to use the word "slimy") overly soft where it connected with the pineapple.
I hope it is as good tomorrow for breakfast....
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